She was built to last!

She was built to last!

I never get bored taking pics of this Structure. It is Brighton & Hove’s, West Pier. The recent vicious storms have taken another large chunk of the structure. She still hangs on though. This was a fully functioning pleasure Pier in the early seventies, I can remember it vividly. A sad state of affairs now!

6 responses to “She was built to last!

    • Thank you so much Imelda, I suppose the pic does look dramatic, the poor old Pier on her last legs and the lashing of the sea. The wind was strong today, it has only just settled down a bit now. As a Shamanic Practitioner you probably appreciate the wind and it’s power. Thanks again for dropping by.

    • Thanks for looking by Crooked Tracks! This old Victorian Pier was shut down in the 70’s and left to its own devices while owners decide what they want to do to it. It has been set fire too several times over the years and now the elements are deciding its fate.

Look forward to your thoughts...